Which is why I’m writing to you today…
'Interval Training: The ultimate fitness and sports performance tool' is an ideal in-depth guide for athletes and coaches of all ability levels.
Written by sports and fitness expert Andrew Hamilton and backed by trials and research by sports scientists, Interval Training contains sports science training techniques most coaches and even professionals won’t be aware of, that can be implemented into any training schedule. It provides at the key concepts and principles you won’t find elsewhere and gives you practical, ready-to-use, expert advice. Its simple format gives you the specific guidance and knowledge you need, and enables you to refer to it time and again. It delivers maximum benefit to both athletes and coaches, boosts their progress and makes sure they follow (or provide) interval training exercise routines which almost guarantee success. You’ll receive plenty of new ideas on the why, what and how to choose particular exercises for concrete progress. You’ll also discover the simple and effective methods you can include in your interval training Programs to adapt and improve your strength, endurance, flexibility, resistance to injury and boost those all-important PBs, regardless of your age or ability. Yes! Give me instant access to Interval Training: the ultimate fitness and sports performance tool This Interval Training book is ideal for you if you’re… • A competitive sportsperson who want a deeper understanding of intervals • A non-competitive ‘recreational fitness’ trainer • Any sportsperson new or unfamiliar to interval training • Anyone looking to reap the maximum health benefits from this highly-effective training guide What Will Interval Training Help You To Achieve? • Higher levels of fitness, faster and with less stress on the body • The exercises are quick and easy to perform (some are under 60 seconds in duration and many require no extra equipment) • The training routines are ideal for beginners, intermediate and also elite athletes (NB - Suitable for all abilities and fitness levels but especially for those who are new to or unfamiliar with intervals) Written in a simple-to-follow format (with plenty of tables, diagrams and step-by-step exercises) Interval Training brings together all the latest thinking on interval training, and explains not just what to do, but how you should perform training routines (and why they are so effective for you and your sports performance).
In short, this Interval Training book provides all athletes and coaches with ambition the very latest sport science information on the fundamentals of how to use interval training to increase full-body fitness, overall health and performance levels.
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Here’s What Else You’ll Discover In 'Interval Training: the ultimate fitness and sports performance tool'
There are several key parts to Interval Training, each designed to complement the others to help you build speed, strength, flexibility, energy and endurance (as well as protecting you from injury) in just a short space of time, and they include: SECTION 1: An introduction to and history of interval training • What is interval training and how did it evolve to become such an effective conditioning method? (Andrew’s answers may surprise you. INCLUDES: what it really is, why it’s become so popular in recent years, and how you can use it correctly in your training routines… see pages 1-2) • Why H.I.I.T. is the most important development in modern-day interval training (Pay close attention, as using this insider secret can help you:
• Achieve substantial gains in aerobic capacity and cardiovascular fitness
• Produce extra anaerobic (speed/power) benefits which can’t be achieved with steady state aerobic exercise alone • Require less time to produce the equivalent gains found in other types of interval training These findings are supported by numerous scientific studies, and full details revealed on page 3
SECTION 2: Why does interval training work?
• Why are intervals so effective and how do they work to improve your overall fitness? (There’s a lot more to them than just running around an athletics track, as Andrew Hamilton reveals in detail on page 4… PLUS: how to achieve the ‘T.A.’ Holy Grail of intervals, designed to smash through your performance plateaus and produce further gains in aerobic capacity and power)
• How a New Zealand coach’s revolutionary training routines can further improve the efficiency of your circulatory system (and increase energy levels when you need them most – the pros and cons revealed on page 4)
• The three most popular strategies you can use to increase endurance performance (what they are, session details, recovery periods – you get it all on pages 4-5 – Plus – which of these strategies is best? The scientific evidence is overwhelming and legendary long- distance Olympian Emil Zatopek swore by it: secret revealed on page 5)
• The four key energy systems in your body (and how they work together to ensure your energy needs are met at key moments in your training and competition – page 5)
SECTION 3: Why Interval Training is so effective…
• REVEALED: the scientific proof that intervals are far more effective at producing physiological adaptations (these lead to game-changing fitness and performance gains, so pay close attention to the what, why and how of increased VO2 maximums and burning more calories while your rest – full details on page 6)
• Exactly what happens to your muscle cells when you undergo interval training (INCLUDES: the four profound ways intervals can remodel your entire body – and supercharge your performance, regardless of your athletic discipline – pages 6-7)
• The two crucial enzymes activated by high-intensity interval training (these lead to greater energy release and enable your muscles to work harder for longer – and ‘fatigue free’! See what they are and how they work on page 7)
• How to use intervals to safely improve your cardiorespiratory fitness (even if you suffer from coronary artery disease or congestive heart failure – must-read information on page 7)
SECTION 4: The A-Z of Interval training revealed… Yes! Give me instant access to Interval Training • REVEALED: the best, most effective structure of an interval program (INCLUDES: the different methods of adjusting rest and work periods to produce best results) • The two most important elements of any interval training session (these are unfortunately often overlooked, but will help you):
• Make the intervals that follow feel easier to perform
• Allow you to work harder • Reduce the severity of any post-exercise muscle soreness (sometimes referred to as DOMS) • Reduce the risk of injury
• What NEVER to skip in any interval session (and why – page 7)
• How to produce a significant amount of internal heat before starting your intervals (enough to help prepare your muscles and joints for the harder work ahead – find out on pages 10-11)
• The three basic ways to adjust the work intervals in an interval program (two of them are simple and the third is a lot more complicated – see what they are and how to incorporate them into your workouts – pages 10-11)
• Why heart rate is so important for controlling interval intensity (there’s a right – and wrong – way to set this all-important figure – find out the best practice method on page 12)
• An extremely accurate measure of how hard you’re really working in your interval training (even if you don’t have a heart rate monitor – see page 13 for full disclosure)
• How to use GRADIENTS to control the intensity of your interval training (INCLUDES: a simple free way to gain maximum body benefit with minimum fuss – page 14)
• The best heart rate formula to use for determining interval intensity (PLUS: how to calculate your heart rate reserve, and the two key points to take into account when using it – page 14-15)
• REVEALED: the Borg Perceived Rating of Exertion Scale (how to use it, what the ‘scale numbers’ mean, and how it effectively measures both your perceived effort level AND your approximate heart rate during interval training – a real eye-opener, and it’s on page 16)
• Concrete interval training workout routines you can use #1 (It’s an easy to follow 25-30 minute 5-step program, which includes variations and is very effective – page 16)
• Workout #2 (one you can use on a treadmill, this one will really ramp up your core strength and endurance – find out more on pages 16-17)
• An ideal 24-25 minute workout routine for more advanced trainers (it’s also great for increasing your anaerobic threshold, improving your VO2 maximum capacity and developing power – page 17)
• The ‘Ten Commandments’ of mixed hill and pace interval training Program for runners (this is excellent for developing power, strength and running speed, and full details are on page 17)
• What’s the best combination of work intensity and duration to choose? (The answers will astonish you and defy conventional wisdom – see how they can give you that extra edge on page 18)
SECTION 5: The Truth About Rest And Recovery • How to really reap the benefits interval training brings (and what is often overlooked in almost all Programs – page 19)
• The two key questions you need to consider when designing an interval Program (this is vital – secrets uncovered on page 19)
• The benefits of both ‘active’ and ‘passive’ recovery (and the ground-breaking research done for male long-distance runners that shows which one is best for you – full details on pages 19-20)
• How ‘active’ recovery helps combat lactate accumulation (fantastic news, especially for ‘this’ particular sport – check out how they performed significantly better than those who rested passively – see pages 21-22 for details)
• Why ‘active’ recovery isn’t always the best course of action to take (and one particular group of athletes who – according to a German study – should avoid this recovery-type at all costs – pages 22-23)
• How long should your rest periods be? And how should ‘active’ recovery be performed? (It depends on one crucial factor – see what it is – the in-depth scientific research on swimmers and sprinters - and the protocols you need to follow – on pages 23-26)
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SECTION 6: High-intensity interval training – why less can often be more…
Good news: recent evidence shows that high-intensity interval training delivers more benefits in less time and with less effort. One word of caution: you’ve got to know exactly what you’re doing otherwise you could be at risk of serious injury. Which is why this section includes full details of the right – and wrong – ways to use this specific training format, and reveals… • The proven interval training method which flies in the face of conventional workout wisdom (and there’s good evidence from new research that endurance athletes – distance runners, cyclists, rowers and swimmers – will benefit most from it – full disclosure on pages 27-29…)
• How very short, high-intensity training actually boosts aerobic endurance as well as anaerobic performance (a must-read scientific study uncovers the facts on pages 27-29, including the three ‘need to know’ key findings vital for athletes of all levels and disciplines…)
• The surprising results of a scientific study of cyclists (and the implications for you and your training Programs from now on… pages 31-32)
• The best way to increase the total time spent at high intensity during intervals, and maximise oxygen uptake (INCLUDES: the correct power rations to follow – pages 31-32)
• 10-second intervals? Are they power-boosting? Or a pie in the sky pipe-dream? (see what this recent Canadian study says about them on page 33)
• Where exactly is the magical ‘sweet spot’ of interval training? (INCLUDES: the % of peak power – and timings - which give you the greatest performance gains – see the facts on pages 33-34)
• Why you must keep an open mind about high-intensity training (and the reasons you mustn’t neglect the two particular training methods mentioned on page 35)
• REVEALED: the polarised theory of training (the concepts it uses, how to divide your training time, and the best ways to achieve your maximum endurance potential – tables, the typical heart rate for biggest fitness gains, you get it all on pages 35-36)
• The truth about short vs long intervals – which work best? (Check out this in-depth 2012 study into five different interval training protocols – and its surprising conclusions on pages 37-38)
• How can you apply the recent findings about HIT in your own training to maximise your performance? (Simple. See the five-point summary and recommendations on page 39…)
• How to train both SAFELY and PRODUCTIVELY (and the best way of lowering your risk of premature death – page 46)• How Interval Training can provide multiple health benefits (and exactly what these are, why it happens, and how it prevents the western world’s three “killer” diseases from occurring – pages 40-44) SECTION 7: How to integrate interval work into your existing Program – and do it SAFELY…
• The seven deadly signals you must be aware of when training (do you suffer from any of these ‘early warning signs’ of possible exercise-induced death? Find out for yourself on ages 46-47)
• The three major steps of ‘risk stratification’ (and how to use them to determine when you should begin exercise – page 47)
• Should you use intervals in addition to – or instead of – your normal training routine? (See for yourself on page 48)
• OVERTRAINING: the 11 key ‘danger indicators’ which show beyond doubt that you’re ‘overdoing’ it (some are obvious, others are harder to spot, so make sure you check them all pout on page 48…)
• The quick and easy ways to monitor your RECOVERY from interval training. INCLUDES FULL DETAILS OF…
o The correct time and way to measure your resting heart rate o What to use to record your heart rate bpm o The ‘orthostatic heart rate test’ o Why HRV is an extremely useful technique to help make sure your recovery is up to scratch (page 48)
• The nuts and bolts of how to incorporate intervals into your training Program (and the two key guiding principles you should follow to structure intervals for maximum athletic gains - pages 49-50)
• New to interval training? Then follow the 8 simple steps on page 50 to build your basic aerobic fitness, monitor your recovery and make progress safely…
• Done interval training before? Check out this carefully-structured 7-point plan to decide how many sessions to perform each week, the tools to use for monitoring your progress (and see how different interval sessions work for you), and how to vary your training workload
SECTION 8: How To Assess your risk and readiness to start interval trainingeffectively… Details also on page 50… Yes! Give me instant access to Interval Training
You’ve read Interval Training and seen which exercises work best (based on proven scientific research and expert coaching knowledge), and you’re raring to go.
But wait a moment… You need to make sure you’re not in danger of injuring yourself – or worse – performing these exercise routines before you know what’s best for you and your long-term health. Which is why it’s so important to know in advance the risks involved with any kind of interval training, whether it’s gentle, vigorous or anything in-between. In Section 8 you’ll discover… • Do you have any of these ‘Positive Risk Factors’? (Having any of these could seriously affect your training schedule, so check these carefully BEFORE starting any athletic work – check your score and work out your risk on pages 51-52)
• How to decide which exercise intensity level is best for you (PLUS: do you need medical clearance before you start your training? Find out in the simple to use table on page 53…)
SECTION 9: Proven Interval Training Workouts You Can Use (Ideal For All Fitness Levels, Sprinters, Long-Distance And Ultra Runners, And All Other Sporting Disciplines)
In the final section of Interval Training, John Shepherd provides a wide range of sample interval workouts, with plenty of ways to work them into your training Programs.
Each of them can be used across a wide range of sports and ability levels, and includes:
o Interval Training for ENDURANCE (Page 54):
o Building your base of fitness (with the technique first used successfully by former England Cricket captain Bob Willis) o What you MUST do if you’re serious about your endurance training (Ideal if you want to build your race pace for all running distances…) o A TABLE of paces and running distances for 10k and marathon runners (details on page 55) o Best practice anaerobic/lactate thresholds (and how to maintain maximal aerobic before you surpass your threshold – page 55) o What are the best intervals for lactate thresholds? (see the ratios and recovery times for yourself on page 56…) o A special form of High-Intensity Interval Training designed to boost ALL markers of endurance potential (this includes lactate threshold, V02max, race pace and endurance economy – and unlike other interval workouts takes you well into your ‘anaerobic red zone’ – see for yourself what it is on page 56…) o The ideal interval workouts for FOOTBALL training (perfect for both individual and team sessions – details on page 57) o ATTENTION: Footballers - how to use the same high-technology interval training sessions, and gadgets, as Premier League trailblazer Arsene Wenger (you have to see this! Page 59) o The Secrets Of Interval Training for SPEED (PLUS: how they target your ‘fast twitch’ speed and power-producing muscle fibres , with: o Sample sprint workouts o Short-term anaerobic system speed workouts o 400m running-type speed interval training o Timed duration intervals o Mixed-speed interval workouts… (All on pages 59-61) o Interval Training for all-round FITNESS (these techniques can be used to develop fledgling fitness, or boost those at elite level, and include plenty of sample workout Programs for all ability levels, including rowing machines, exercise bikes, intervals – you get it all on pages 62-64) o How interval training can be applied to RESISTANCE TRAINING (and the forms of resistance training that have a particular interval training foundation in which they developing Cardiovascular fitness (and not just muscular strength or endurance) o Lower body/upper body supersets o Two Peripheral heart action training (PHA) workouts o How to escalate density training o Elite-level aerobic circuit training o Interval Training – Your Questions Answered (pages 68-70) o How long should each session last? o What’s the best work interval length for you? o How many interval repeats should you be doing o Can you do consecutive days of interval training? o When is the best time of day to train? o Can you interval train when you’re recovering from injury? o What should you eat to make rapid progress? And much, much more… Yes! Give me instant access to Interval Training now!
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How much would you invest to have the cutting-edge interval training skills (as used by elite level athletes), either as an athlete or coach, which make the difference between winning and losing?
If you’ve tried looking for proven, practical information on elite level interval training, you know how difficult it is to find. What’s more, when you do find something which may be valuable, it costs a small fortune.
That’s just for ONE of the elements. You hardly ever find a guide, any guide, which combines all the key elements essential for top-class athletic performance together in practical, integrated nutrition and exercise advice.
Interval Training provides you with both nutrition, exercise, skills AND coaching advice, and a lot more besides. Plus, it comes with an amazing money-back guarantee (more on this in a moment).
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In fact, your investment to receive Interval Training is only $50, which works out at just 14 cents a day when spread over a year.
Think about this for a moment: where else will you find so much proven, practical and surprisingly easy to apply interval training techniques, injury-prevention strategies and nutritional information for 14 cents a day? Peanuts when you compare it to what you’ll get.
That’s just for ONE of the elements. You hardly ever find a guide, any guide, which combines all the key elements essential for top-class athletic performance together in practical, integrated nutrition and exercise advice.
Interval Training provides you with both nutrition, exercise, skills AND coaching advice, and a lot more besides. Plus, it comes with an amazing money-back guarantee (more on this in a moment).
So how much would you expect to pay for this program? $250? $500? Even $1,000? That’s what a lot of people pay over a year for gym fees or personal trainers. The good news for you is you won’t have to invest anything like that for this program.
In fact, your investment to receive Interval Training is only $50, which works out at just 14 cents a day when spread over a year.
Think about this for a moment: where else will you find so much proven, practical and surprisingly easy to apply interval training techniques, injury-prevention strategies and nutritional information for 14 cents a day? Peanuts when you compare it to what you’ll get.
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Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Pye
Editor, Sports Performance
Editor, Sports Performance
Interval Training is published by P2P Publishing. Our UK office is located at 33-41 Dallington Street, London, EC1V 0BB, United Kingdom. Tel: 020 7954 3467 between 09:00 and 17:30 GMT, Monday to Friday.
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