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Thursday, November 29, 2012

DT Omar Labruna fue el blanco de las burlas tras derrota 3-1 de Colo Colo ante Unión Española; Albos confían en clasificar a la final: "No es tanto, son dos goles"

Los hinchas de Universidad de Chile se burlaron del DT albo con afiches en las redes sociales.

 29/11/2012 - 10:09
Los hinchas de Universidad de Chile no demoraron en salir a burlarse de la derrota por 3-1 de Colo Colo ante Unión Española, en la ida de las semifinales del Torneo de Clausura.
El blanco principal de los chistes fue el entrenador Omar Labruna, a quien se le recordó el reciente episodio de su accidente automovílistico.
Conoce algunos de los afiches.

Albos confían en clasificar a la final: "No es tanto, son dos goles"

Al interior del elenco albo aseguran que perfectamente se puede revertir la serie pese a la derrota ante Unión Española en la ida.

29/11/2012 - 07:11
Unión Española tiene clara ventaja para la vuelta. Unión Española tiene clara ventaja para la vuelta.

Colo Colo cayó 3-1 ante Unión Española en el duelo de ida de las semifinales del Torneo de Clausura. Sin embargo, al interior del plantel albo existe plena confianza en que pueden revertir la serie y clasificar a la final.
"Hay que redoblar los esfuerzos. Estamos tranquilos. Haciendo dos goles pasamos a la final", dijo el delantero Felipe Flores.
El atacante agregó que en el juego de vuelta "tenemos que salir con todo. No es tanto. Son dos goles, y tenemos buena ofensiva".
Luis Mena, quien retornará en el duelo de vuelta tras cumplir suspensión, manifestó que "hay que estar concentrados todo el partido. Hay cosas que corregir. Estamos en Colo Colo y hay que entrar con el corazón caliente".
Por su parte, el director deportivo, Juan Gutiérrez, manifestó que "el plantel está triste, pero hay arenga, ya pensamos en el fin de semana. Los veo enfocados".

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

FUTBOL DE CHILE: ANFP define staff juvenil para el ciclo de Jorge Sampaoli en la "Roja"


Mario Salas asume con un contrato por seis meses, prorrogable si llega al Mundial Sub 20. Y Cristian Arán trabajará con los "sparrings" de la Adulta.

 27/11/2012 - 07:08

Jorge Sampaoli ya tiene a su staff para las juveniles. Jorge Sampaoli ya tiene a su staff para las juveniles.

La eliminación de Universidad de Chile del Torneo de Clausura adelantó los plazos en la ANFP, considerando que tenían contemplado que el ciclo de Jorge Sampaoli en la Selección no arrancaría antes del 9 de diciembre, cuando se disputará la final del certamen.
Ante este nuevo escenario, el directorio que preside Sergio Jadue intensificó las gestiones para conformar el equipo que tendrá el casildense en las selecciones juveniles y el grupo de sparrings, que trabajará a diario con el combinado adulto.
La designación que más urgía en Quilín es la del DT de la Sub 20 que afrontará el Campeonto Sudamericano, que se desarrollará en Argentina a partir del 9 de enero, y que entregará cuatro cupos al Mundial de Turquía (2013).
Las renuncias de Roberto Hernández, ex director de las selecciones menores, Fernando Carvallo y Miguel Ramírez, ex adiestradores de las series Sub 20 y 17, respectivamente, redujeron el staff juvenil a Mariano Puyol, actual entrenador de la Sub 14 , y a los preparadores de arqueros Hernán Caputto y Alex Whiteley.
Los tres sobrevivientes del ciclo de Claudio Borghi se reunieron ayer con Jadue para interiorizarse de los próximos pasos del directorio respecto de la conformación del nuevo organigrama que habrá en selecciones menores, considerando que Sampaoli, tal como ocurrió con Marcelo Bielsa, no tendrá ningún tipo de injerencia en el trabajo formativo de las selecciones.
Ayer quedaron selladas las conversaciones con Mario Salas, quien firmará un contrato de seis meses, renovable hasta el 2015 si accede al Mundial Sub 20 de Turquía. El fichaje del ex entrenador de Barnechea, que trabajará con Leonardo Zamora como ayudante técnico y Osvaldo Alegría en la parte física, será anunciado hoy en la sede de Quilín.
Completamente definida, en tanto, quedó la incorporación de Cristian Arán al equipo de trabajo de Sampaoli. El DT de las divisiones menores de O’Higgins se hará cargo del grupo de sparrings, que será el encargado de poner a aprueba cada movimiento técnico-táctico de la “Roja” bajo la dirección del casildense.
Arán, quien mañana dirigirá la Sub 18 de O’Higgins ante Unión Española en Rancagua, por los playoffs del fútbol joven, es un viejo conocido de Sampaoli, pues ambos se iniciaron en el fútbol amateur, antecedente que allanó su llegada a la selección nacional.

Sampaoli cuenta los días
En paralelo a la conformación del nuevo cuerpo técnico juvenil, la Asociación sigue afinando los detalles del arribo de Jorge Sampaoli a la selección mayor.
El acuerdo entre el casildense y la directiva quedó cerrado hace varios días y se firmará a comienzos de la próxima semana, luego de los partidos que la “U” jugará ante Universidad de Concepción por Copa Chile (jueves y domingo).
La presentación oficial se haría a mediados de la próxima semana. El contrato con la ANFP vinculará al casildense hasta diciembre de 2014, pero si la Selección clasifica al Mundial de Brasil, se renovará automáticamente.
Sampaoli trabajará con su ayudante Sebastián Beccacece y el PF Jorge Desio, mientras que Eduardo Azargado seguiría en la escuadra estudiantil.

Nominees announced for 2012 Canada Soccer player awards

Monday, November 26, 2012

Soccer Association adds Para Soccer prize to annual player awards
November 27 2012
The Canadian Soccer Association has announced that it will honour a Canadian Para Soccer Player of the Year for the first time in 2012. The award winner will be announced on Friday 7 December.
The introduction of the Canadian Para Soccer Player of the Year award coincides with the 20th year of the Canada Soccer Player Awards as well as the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Soccer Association. The 2012 winner will be selected by the Canadian Para Soccer coaching staff.
The annual Canada Soccer Player Awards now recognizes the BMO Canadian Players of the Year, the Canadian U-20 Players of the Year, the Canadian U-17 Players of the Year, and the Canadian Para Soccer Player of the Year.
Canada’s Para Soccer team features players who have cerebral palsy or have had a stroke or brain injury. Athletes that are interested in Canada’s Para Soccer team may contact head coach Ferguson at
Since 2004, the Canadian Para Soccer program has participated in the biennial CP-ISRA World Championship and qualification for both the quadrennial Paralympics and quadrennial Parapanamerican Games. In 2007, Canada won bronze at the Parapanamerican Games in Rio, Brazil.

Canadian Soccer Association to recognize missing winners

As part of the Canadian Soccer Association's centennial year and in advance of selection of the 2012 BMO Canadian Players of the Year, the Association will unveil 12 "missing" winners that were previously not awarded in six past seasons. The retro winners will complete the 20 player award seasons since the Canadian Player of the Year award was first introduced in 1993.
The retro winners were selected with the help of past Canadian national coaches for 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003 and 2004. Coaches were asked to consider performances at both the club and international levels. The winners - a male and female footballer for each season - will be announced on Tuesday 4 December.
Voting for the 2012 BMO Canadian Players of the Year runs 26 November through 7 December, with winners to be announced in the week of 10 December. Canadian media and coaches vote for the annual BMO Canadian Players of the Year.
In 1993, Alex Bunbury was voted the first-ever Canadian Player of the Year. One year later, both Craig Forrest and Charmaine Hooper were selected 1994 Canadian Players of the Year, with Hooper the first women's footballer selected.
Since 2005, the Canadian Soccer Association has annually selected two Canadian U-20 Players of the Year (male and female). Since 2007, the Association has annually selected two Canadian U-17 Players of the Year (male and female). In 2012, voting for the Canadian U-20 Players of the Year and Canadian U-17 Players of the Year will again be open to Canadian coaches.
Starting this year, the Association will recognize an annual Canadian Para Soccer Player of the Year. The first winner will be selected by coaching staff of the Canadian Para Soccer program and be unveiled on Friday 7 December.
Also starting in 2012, the Canadian Soccer Association has recognized the Canada Soccer Players of the Month. In the first 10 months, five players have already won the honour twice, with Olivier Occean, Patrice Bernier and Atiba Hutchinson twice winning monthly honours on the men's side and both Christine Sinclair and Diana Matheson twice winning monthly honours on the women's side. The November 2012 Canada Soccer Players of the Month will be announced on Monday 3 December.
2011 - Dwayne De Rosario and Christine Sinclair
2010 - Atiba Hutchinson and Christine Sinclair
2009 - Simeon Jackson and Christine Sinclair
2008 - Julian de Guzman and Christine Sinclair
2007 - Dwayne De Rosario and Christine Sinclair
2006 - Dwayne De Rosario and Christine Sinclair
2005 - Dwayne De Rosario and Christine Sinclair
2004 - TBA (missing winners)
2003 - TBA (missing winners)
2002 - Jason deVos and Charmaine Hooper
2001 - TBA (missing winners)
2000 - TBA (missing winners)
1999 - TBA (missing winners)
1998 - Tomasz Radzinski and Silvana Burtini
1997 - TBA (missing winners)
1996 - Paul Peschisolido and Geraldine Donnelly
1995 - Alex Bunbury and Charmaine Hooper
1994 - Craig Forrest and Charmaine Hooper
1993 - Alex Bunbury

About the Canadian Soccer Association

The Canadian Soccer Association, in partnership with its membership and its partners, provides leadership in the pursuit of excellence in soccer, both at the national and international levels. The Canadian Soccer Association not only strives to lead Canada to victory, but also encourages Canadians to a life-long passion for soccer. For more details on the Canadian Soccer Association, visit

Connect with Canada Soccer on

Twitter @CanadaSoccerENFacebook canadasoccerYouTube CanadaSoccerTVFlickr CanadaSoccer

Media Contacts

Richard Scott
National Teams Communications
T 613-237-4580 x 237
C 613-818-0305
Michèle Dion
T 613-237-4580 x 226
C 613-857-0827
Max Bell
T 416-262-5890 x 5883
C 416-797-9192

Canada Soccer eNews

Nominees announced for 2012 Canada Soccer player awards

26 November 2012
The Canadian Soccer Association has announced the list of nominees for its 2012 Canada Soccer player awards. Canadian media and coaches will be asked to select two players - one male and one female – for the Canadian Soccer Association’s top prize, the BMO Canadian Players of the Year award. The award will celebrate Canada’s top-two soccer players in recognition of their 2012 achievements with both the national team and their respective club teams.
Read more: male nominees <<insert link>>
Read more: female nominees <<insert link>>
In 2012, Canada’s men’s national team posted four wins, two draws and three losses in nine international matches. In the CONCACAF 3rd Round of 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ Qualifiers, Canada posted an impressive 10 points, but missed a spot in the Final Round by one single point. For the second year in a row, Canada went undefeated at home, posting two wins and two draws at BMO Field in Toronto.
Canada's women's team, meanwhile, tied a national record with 14 wins, doing so with a 14-1-7 record in 22 matches. The highlight, of course, was a bronze medal at the London 2012 Women's Olympic Football Tournament. Canada also finished second at the CONCACAF Women’s Olympic Qualifier in January, second at the Cyprus Women's Cup in March, and second at the Match world Women's Cup in July.

Voting for the 2012 BMO Canadian Players of the Year will be split evenly by Canadian media and Canadian coaches who have taken the Canadian Soccer Association’s national course at the B and A levels (including national-team coaches).
Along with the Canadian Players of the Year award, there are two additional awards that celebrate the top young prospects in Canadian soccer. Coaches from across the country will select four young stars from Canada’s World Cup squads – two Canadian U-20 Players of the Year and two Canadian U-17 Players of the Year.
The Canadian U-20 Players of the Year award is open to players eligible for the recent or upcoming FIFA U-20 World Cup events. The male U-20 nominees are born 1993 or later while the female U-20 nominees are born 1992 or later.
The Canadian U-17 Players of the Year award is open to players eligible for the recent or upcoming FIFA U-17 World Cup events. The male U-17 nominees are born 1996 or later while the female U-17 nominees are born 1995 or later.
Voting for the Canadian U-20 Players of the Year and Canadian U-17 Players of the Year awards will be split evenly by Canadian national staff coaches and all other Canadian coaches who have taken the Canadian Soccer Association’s national course at the B and A levels. Coaches will be asked to consider each nominee’s success at the international and club levels, including performances at the CONCACAF and FIFA competitions.
Voting will begin immediately and will conclude on Friday 7 December 2012. Voters will be asked to select three players (first place, second place and third place) in each category. All six winners will be announced during the week of 10-14 December 2012.
The Canadian Soccer Association provides leadership in the pursuit of excellence in soccer, nationally and internationally, in cooperation with its members and partners. The Canadian Soccer Association strives to lead Canada to victory and Canadians to a life-long passion for soccer.
View all recent news
The 2012 Canada Soccer player award nominees / les nominations Canada Soccer 2012
BMO Canadian Players of the Year / Joueurs canadiens de l’année BMO>>Voting by Canadian media and Canadian coaches / Élus par les médias
>> canadiens et les entraîneurs canadiens The award will celebrate Canada’s top-two soccer players in recognition of their 2012 achievements with both the national team and their respective club teams. / Ce prix récompense les deux meilleurs joueurs canadiens pour leurs performances exceptionnelles respectives en 2012, tant au sein de l’équipe nationale qu’auprès de leurs clubs respectifs.
Male Nominees / Joueurs en nomination de l’équipe nationale masculine
- Patrice Bernier | CAN / Impact Montréal / Brossard, QC
- Julian de Guzman | USA / FC Dallas / Scarborough, ON
- Dwayne De Rosario | USA / DC United | Scarborough, ON
- André Hainault | USA / Houston Dynamo | Hudson, QC
- Lars Hirschfeld | NOR / Vålerenga Fotball | Edmonton, AB
- Atiba Hutchinson | NED / PSV Eindhoven | Brampton, ON
- Kevin McKenna | GER / FC Köln | Calgary, AB
- Olivier Occean | GER / Eintracht Frankfurt | Brossard, QC
- other selection/ autre
Female Nominees from the Winners –Women’s national team – presented by Teck / Joueuses en nomination de l’équipe nationale féminine Winners et dont le partenaire - présentateur est Teck
- Diana Matheson | NOR / Lillestrøm SK Kvinner | Oakville, ON
- Erin McLeod | Edmonton, AB & Calgary, AB
- Carmelina Moscato | Mississauga, ON
- Sophie Schmidt | Abbotsford, BC
- Desiree Scott | CAN / WSA North Stars | Winnipeg, MB
- Christine Sinclair | Burnaby, BC
- Melissa Tancredi | Ancaster, ON
- Rhian Wilkinson | NOR / Lillestrøm SK Kvinner | Baie d’Urfé, QC, CAN
- other selection/ autre
Canadian U-20 Players of the Year / Joueurs U20 canadiens de l’année>>Voting by Canadian coaches / Élus par les entraîneurs canadiens
Male Nominees (born 1993 or later) / Joueurs en nomination (nés en 1993 ou après)
- Bryce Alderson | CAN / Vancouver Whitecaps FC | Kitchener, ON
- Keven Aleman | ESP / Real Valladolid | Brampton, ON
- Jon Dollery | ENG / Crawley Town FC | Calgary, AB
- Ricky Gomes | POR / Sport Clube de Mirandela | Kitchener, ON
- Doneil Henry | CAN / Toronto FC | Brampton, ON
- Samuel Piette | GER / Fortuna Düsseldorf | Le Gardeur, QC
- other selection/ autre
Female Nominees (born 1992 or later) / Joueuses en nomination (nées en 1992 ou après)
- Sabrina D'Angelo | USA / University of South Carolina | Welland, ON
- Adriana Leon | USA / University of Florida | Maple, ON
- Christabel Oduro | USA / University of Memphis | Brampton, ON
- Jenna Richardson | USA / Oregon State University | Vancouver, BC
- Danica Wu | USA / Ohio State | Edmonton, AB
- Shelina Zadorsky | USA / University of Michigan | London, ON
- other selection/ autre
Canadian U-17 Players of the Year / Joueurs U17 canadiens de l’année>>Voting by Canadian coaches / Élus par les entraîneurs canadiens
Male Nominees (born 1996 or later) / Joueurs en nomination (nés en 1996 ou après)
- Hanson Boakai | CAN / FC Edmonton Reserve | Edmonton, AB
- Marco Bustos | CAN / Vancouver Whitecaps FC Residency | Winnipeg, MB
- Marco Carducci | CAN / Vancouver Whitecaps FC Residency | Calgary, AB
- Ian Fernandes | CAN / West Rouge SC | Scarborough, ON
- Kianz Gonzales-Froese | CAN / Vancouver Whitecaps FC Residency | Winnipeg, MB
- Jordan Hamilton | CAN / Toronto FC Academy | Scarborough, ON
- other selection / autre
Female Nominees (born 1995 or later) / Joueuses en nomination (nées en 1995 ou après)
- Kadeisha Buchanan | CAN / Erin Mills Mighty Eagles U-16 | Mississauga, ON
- Summer Clarke | CAN / Richmond Red Hot Selects U-16 | Richmond, BC
- Ashley Lawrence | CAN / Erin Mills Mighty Eagles | Caledon East, ON
- Nichelle Prince | CAN / Pickering SC | Ajax, ON
- Rebecca Quinn | CAN / Erin Mills Mighty Eagles U-16 | Toronto, ON
- Valérie Sanderson | CAN / FC Boisbriand U-16 | Boisbriand, QC
- Kailen Sheridan | CAN / Pickering SC | Whitby, ON
- other selection / autres

About the Canadian Soccer Association

The Canadian Soccer Association, in partnership with its membership and its partners, provides leadership in the pursuit of excellence in soccer, both at the national and international levels. The Canadian Soccer Association not only strives to lead Canada to victory, but also encourages Canadians to a life-long passion for soccer. For more details on the Canadian Soccer Association, visit

Connect with Canada Soccer on

Twitter @CanadaSoccerENFacebook canadasoccerYouTube CanadaSoccerTVFlickr CanadaSoccer

Media Contacts

Richard Scott
National Teams Communications
T 613-237-4580 x 237
C 613-818-0305
Michèle Dion
T 613-237-4580 x 226
C 613-857-0827
Max Bell
T 416-262-5890 x 5883
C 416-797-9192

Sunday, November 25, 2012

UNO News Net: EPL 2012 STANDINGS AS NOV 25; Manchester United 3 QPR 1: Redknapp watches Rangers throw it away as Fletcher scores on league comeback

UNO News Net: EPL 2012 STANDINGS AS NOV 25; Manchester United 3 QPR 1: Redknapp watches Rangers throw it away as Fletcher scores on league comeback

UNO News Net: SERIE A ITALY: Juventus de Vidal e Isla visitarán al Milan en el clásico del Calcio

UNO News Net: SERIE A ITALY: Juventus de Vidal e Isla visitarán al Milan en el clásico del Calcio

UNO News Net: MUNDIAL DE BRASIL 2014: Ex compañero de Pep Guardiola aprueba chance de dirigir a Brasil: "Sería una unión perfecta"

UNO News Net: MUNDIAL DE BRASIL 2014: Ex compañero de Pep Guardiola aprueba chance de dirigir a Brasil: "Sería una unión perfecta"

UNO News Net: FUTBOL DE CHILE 2012: Colo Colo en semifinales: Con muchas dudas buscará su estrella 30

UNO News Net: FUTBOL DE CHILE 2012: Colo Colo en semifinales: Con muchas dudas buscará su estrella 30

UNO News Net: LA LIGA SPAIN 2012: Mourinho critica a jugadores del Real Madrid: "Puedes estar muerto, pero puedes resucitar"

UNO News Net: LA LIGA SPAIN 2012: Mourinho critica a jugadores del Real Madrid: "Puedes estar muerto, pero puedes resucitar"

UNO News Net: SELECCION DE CHILE: Sampaoli tendrá una base de 30 jugadores en el camino al Mundial de Brasil 2014

UNO News Net: SELECCION DE CHILE: Sampaoli tendrá una base de 30 jugadores en el camino al Mundial de Brasil 2014

Saturday, November 24, 2012



SELECCION DE FUTBOL DE CHILE: DT Jorge Sampaoli viaja a Italia para reencantar a Arturo Vidal

En Europa, el técnico se reunirá con el jugador para interiorizarlo de su forma de trabajo, y pedirle un compromiso mayor. Le dirá que lo quiere de volante izquierdo.

- 24/11/2012 - 09:09
La misión de Sampaoli en Italia es recuperar a Vidal. La misión de Sampaoli en Italia es recuperar a Vidal.
Trabaja en silencio. A la espera de su oficialización como nuevo seleccionador nacional, algo que ocurrirá al término de la participación de Universidad de Chile en el Torneo de Clausura, Jorge Sampaoli sigue elaborando el programa de su viaje a Europa para conversar con las principales figuras de la “Roja”.
El periplo, que incluirá visitas, entre otros, a Alexis Sánchez  y Claudio Bravo, en España, se extenderá a Italia, país en donde el casildense quiere tener una sincera conversación con Arturo Vidal.
El volante de la Juventus, quien no estará en el inicio del proceso en 2013, por sus expulsiones en el amistoso ante Serbia y frente a Ecuador en las Eliminatorias, es considerado como fundamental en el esquema que planea el actual técnico de la “U”.
Esto aumenta la importancia de la visita de Sampaoli a Turín, pues su idea es ratificarle al mediocampista que será un jugador considerado en el nuevo ciclo.
El estratego espera sellar un compromiso con el jugador formado en Colo Colo, quien durante la última parte del proceso de Claudio Borghi vivió una serie de problemas que le impidieron extender el destacado nivel que exhibe en su club en la Selección.
La idea del cuerpo técnico que liderará Sampaoli es generar un ambiente de trabajo capaz de reencantar a las principales figuras del equipo, las que en su mayoría han variado su estado anímico al momento de dejar sus clubes y defender a la “Roja”.
“En Italia me siento feliz. Estoy muy contento de jugar acá con esta maravillosa hinchada”, expresó el miércoles Vidal en Europa luego de anotar un tanto en la victoria 3-0 de Juventus sobre el Chelsea por la Liga de Campeones, en un claro mensaje ante la incomodidad que ha sentido en sus últimas presencias en el combinado nacional.
El casildense quiere lograr que el volante se vuelva a sentir importante y que asuma un liderazgo positivo dentro del grupo, basado en su excelente presente en Italia, nivel que lo tiene en la mira de Real Madrid para la próxima temporada.
El plan de Sampaoli no sólo busca recuperar futbolísticamente a Vidal, sino que también mejorar su explosivo temperamento, el que lo llevó a sumar varias expulsiones en el ciclo anterior.
Para ello, el futuro entrenador de la “Roja” expondrá sus expectativas ante el jugador en la búsqueda de que éste comprenda que su importancia está en el campo de juego, en donde debe mantener una conducta acorde a su cartel de figura y referente del vestuario.
A nivel táctico, el DT conversará con el mediocampista su intención de ocuparlo como volante por la izquierda, misma posición en la que era utilizado por Marcelo Bielsa, que le da mayores libertades para sumarse al ataque, uno de los principales deseos del jugador tras su presente goleador en Juventus. Esto último tampoco descarta a Vidal como alternativa en el centro del campo, una de las zonas más pobladas de la Selección.
En la ANFP valoran la intención de Sampaoli de recuperar al jugador, independiente a que se puede perder los duelos ante Perú y Uruguay por suspensión. En Quilín confían en que el plan del técnico ayude a convertir a Vidal en un jugador confiable... Tal como lo es en la Juventus.

Women's soccer and futsal are the future of football - THE ROAD TO CANADA 2015 AND COLOMBIA 2013

Photo: China PR beat Australia 2-1 and go into the EAFF Women's East Asian Cup 2013 Finals. The Four teams to complete for the EAFF Women's East Asian Cup 2013 are Korea Republic, Japan & Korea DPR

Women's soccer is the future of football. 

Did you see today and last weeks at English Premier League, so boring games, many ties between top and low teams, and not even the copied style of possession soccer from Brazil and Spain, bring results. EPL teams that have had possession they had usually lost!!! Asian women soccer will be stronger for FIFA Women's World Cup 2015 in Canada. 

We will be doing our part with AMF Women's TEAM CANADA for Colombia 2013 Women's Futsal World Cup. Alora Walcott, Kristyn Bacon, Madison Ala, Carol Knibbe, Monika Cordero-Flores, Jaqueline Do Campo, Michelle Liu, Danielle, among others, can and will make a name for Canada in Women's Futsal!!

Japan 2012 FIFA Club World Cup: Sanfrecce book Japan 2012 spot

Saturday 24 November 2012
Sanfrecce book Japan 2012 spot
Sanfrecce Hiroshima have secured the final berth at the 2012 FIFA Club World Cup in Japan after being crowned champions of the J.League with one round to spare.
A 4-1 victory over Cerezo Osaka on Saturday gave Sanfrecce an unassailable four-point advantage ahead of Vegalta Sendai, and with it their maiden J.League title.
The Japanese champions will now represent the host nation at December’s tournament, beginning with a tie against Auckland City on 6 December in Yokohama.
Al-Ahly, Chelsea, Corinthians, Monterrey and Ulsan Hyundai have also qualified for the competition, which concludes on 16 December.

Oscar: I want to win the biggest titles

( Thursday 22 November 2012
Oscar: I want to win the biggest titles
© Getty Images
Gianluigi Buffon has eternally hated conceding goals. Yet such was the splendour of one he conceded two months ago that, for the first time ever, the veteran Juventus goalkeeper admitted he was “proud to have been a part of it”.
Its scorer had produced an exquisite flick, pirouetted instantly, and employed curl and unerring accuracy to dispatch the ball in the top corner. His name was Oscar. It was his UEFA Champions League debut.
The attacking midfielder’s quick adaptation to the prestigious competition mirrored his quick adaptation to life at Stamford Bridge following a big-money summer move from Internacional. Here, the 21-year-old, who has scored four goals and registered six assists in ten senior Brazil internationals this year, chats about settling in at Chelsea, playing alongside Juan Mata and Eden Hazard, and the Blues’ hopes of winning the Premier League and FIFA Club World Cup.

Q: Oscar, there were various clubs interested in signing you before you moved to Stamford Bridge. Why did you choose Chelsea?
Oscar: Chelsea were the best fit for me. They were the champions of Europe, playing in the Premier League, which is maybe the best league in the world. Chelsea also showed me they have a lot of ambition, and I knew it was the right club for me. I want to win the biggest titles in the world and I feel I can do it here. I’m very happy I joined Chelsea.
I enjoy it a lot. They’re both superb players, among the best in the Premier League. It’s always easier to play with players who are not only great but also intelligent.
Oscar on playing alongside Eden Hazard and Juan Mata
English football is very different to the Brazilian game, but you’ve adapted very quickly to it and have already become an important player for Chelsea. Did you expect this?
There’s obviously a process of adaptation, but I’m very pleased with how I’ve settled in. I feel very comfortable playing in this system and I have developed a good understanding with my team-mates. But I think me settling in so quickly is because Chelsea have adapted to my style. Last season they played a different way, but with me and Eden coming in to join Juan, I think they’ve modified the way they play and become more attacking. We get the ball down and knock it about more now, which, being Brazilian, I really enjoy. But I want to keep improving as a player.
How do you enjoy playing with Hazard and Mata?
I enjoy it a lot. They’re both superb players, among the best in the Premier League. It’s always easier to play with players who are not only great but also intelligent. I think we link up well and that our styles complement each other. I think we give the supporters a good deal of entertainment.

The Chelsea fans have really taken to you. How has this made you feel?

Everyone really likes me, and this is very pleasing. The Chelsea supporters are great, very vocal. Wherever we play you can always hear them, and this is very encouraging.

What’s the atmosphere like at the club? Do you spend more time with the Brazilian players?
There’s a realy good atmosphere at the club. I get along great with everybody, but I’m still getting to grips with the language, so I obviously spend more time with the Brazilians. We get on really well, we’re always having a laugh.

Chelsea are in what appears to be a three-way battle for the Premier League title. Do you consider Manchester City or Manchester United to be your biggest rival for the trophy?
Both. City have a lot of excellent players and are the reigning champions, and they’ve become very adept at grinding out results. But Manchester United have been there and done it time and time again. They’re both excellent teams. However, I’m confident Chelsea will do it. We’ve got a different team to last season, so we’re in a transitional period. I think as the season goes on, we’ll get more used to playing together and play better as a result.
You’ve got the FIFA Club World Cup in December too. How important is that to Chelsea?
It’s very important; it gives you the chance to say you’re the champions of the world. Barcelona took it very seriously last year and we’ll do the same. But it won’t be easy. I know Corinthians well and they’re a very strong side, well organised. And they will be desperate to win the World Cup – it’s so important in South America. But we’ll be fully prepared for all our opponents.
You and Corinthians midfielder Paulinho are both in the Brazil squad. Do you wind each other up about a possible meeting in the FIFA Club World Cup final?
Yeah, we have pulling each other’s leg every time we’ve been in the Seleção! It’s all in good fun though. I respect Paulinho as a footballer, he’s a very good player, but if we meet at the Club World Cup I will be doing everything I can to beat him.

Al Ahly in seventh heaven after surprise win

(African Football Media) Monday 19 November 2012
Al Ahly in seventh heaven after surprise win
Al Ahly stunned Esperance Sportive de Tunis 2-1 (3-2 on aggregate) in Tunisia on Saturday to win a record-breaking seventh CAF Champions League and claim a place in December's prestigious FIFA Club World Cup. The result was similar to Ahly's 2006 title when they drew 1-1 at home in the first leg against Tunisia's CS Sfaxien and won away in the second leg.
Aboutrika out, Msakni in
Surprisingly Al Ahly coach Hossam El Badry dropped veteran midfielder Mohamed Aboutrika from the starting line-up, opting instead to give El-Sayed Hamdi a chance from the start. The striker scored Al Ahly's all-important goal in the first leg and he again put the Esperance defenders under tremendous pressure from the first whistle.
The Blood and Gold also came up with a surprise as they started with playmaker Youssef Msakni, who had been ruled out of the first leg after an appendectomy. Somewhat unexpectedly, Esperance sat back in the opening spell, allowing the visitors to have more of the play and create the better chances, with Abdallah Al Saied twice shooting over the crossbar with the goal at his mercy. Esperance, who knew that Al Ahly had to score once to stand a chance to win the trophy, seemed content to sit back and wait for breaks, coming closest in the first half through Cameroon striker Joseph Yannick Ndjeng, whose weak shot was easily saved.

Gedo changes the match
Shortly before the break, the 35,000 fans allowed into the 65,000-seater Rades Stadium were stunned into silence as Al Ahly took the lead. Hamdi set up Mohamed "Gedo" Nagy, whose his right-footed shot gave a diving Moez Ben Cherifia no chance. After the half, Ndjeng again was wasteful for his side in the 54th minute, and the Tunisians were made to rue the missed opportunity just seven minutes later when Walid Soliman doubled his side's lead after a long defensive clearance.
And although Ndjeng, who also hit the post, finally found the net for the home side with five minutes remaining on the clock, it was too little, too late. Having to score two more goals to retain their trophy, it was never on the cards for Esperance. Instead, substitute Aboutrika should have made it three for Al Ahly when the visitors were awarded a penalty in the dying minutes of the game after Cherifia brought down Mauritanian striker Dominique Da Silva. The goalkeeper however made amends for his challenge by saving Aboutrika's spot kick.

What they said
"We were a lot better. We scored two goals and missed many other chances. The coach told us to pile pressure from the very beginning and even after the goal he urged us to keep on pressing to grab the second and kill off the game. We wanted this trophy so much to offer it to the families and the souls of the Port Said martyrs," said Abdallah Al Saied, dedicating the victory to the memory of those who died in the Port Said tragedy in February.
Moment of the game
With their backs against the wall, Esperance were desperately trying to play themselves out of a corner in the second half, having fallen behind shortly before the break. Cameroon striker Ndjeng was looking dangerous for the home side upfront and it seemed only a matter of time before Esperance would score. Instead, it was Soliman who found the net in the 61st minute for Al Ahly, putting the game - and hopes of defending their title - beyond the reaches of the Tunisian team.
Player of the game
The 26-year-old Gedo is a man for the important occasion, having scored the only goal of the match in Egypt's 2010 CAF Africa Cup of Nations final victory against Ghana. On Saturday, the striker was on hand to give his side the all-important lead shortly before the break.

Stat of the Match
7 -
The number of times that Al Ahly have now won the competition. The Red Devils won their first titles in 1982 and 1987, but have become by far the most successful club since the turn of the century, repeating the feat in 2001, 2005, 2006, 2008 and this year.

Japanese return for much-changed Santos

Wednesday 14 November 2012
Japanese return for much-changed Santos
Back in 2006, life was certainly good for Fabio Santos. After coming through the youth ranks with home-town club Sao Paulo, the 21-year-old was competing for a first-team place with the recently crowned FIFA Club World Cup champions, while comfortably surrounded by family and friends.
It would have been entirely understandable therefore if, faced with the prospect of leaving all that behind for a move to Japan, the player was not exactly thrilled.
However, Santos not only accepted the opportunity but did so happily. “I was very young… but it was incredible,” the Corinthians left-back told us, recalling the loan deal that saw O Tricolor Paulista’s promising young star head for Kashima Antlers.
“I’d only ever played in my home city. I was living with my parents and everything was so much easier. Suddenly I had to uproot, take on other responsibilities and live by myself in a different footballing climate. It was hard to believe,” he added.
Santos spent a formative season with the J.League giants and gained a wealth of experience in the process. “I went straight into the team and remained there the whole year. It was very positive. I would have happily stayed longer but I was contractually obliged to return,” the Brazilian explained. “No question, though, I hope to play in Japan again before the end of my career.”
It was very positive. I would have happily stayed longer but I was contractually obliged to return.
Fabio Santos on his season in Japan
Back then, as a promising young talent, Santos alternated between two positions: his original wing-back role and that of a linking midfielder, at times replacing attacking midfield man Fernando during their time at Cruzeiro. Should Santos ever make good on his plan to return to the J.League, the local supporters might find a very different player than the one they remember.
A whole different concept
In the footballing culture that Santos grew up in, the standard bearers in his position were predominantly full-backs with attacking remits, players who, upon joining European clubs, ended up being utilised more as midfielders or even as wingers. Serginho while at AC Milan, Ze Roberto with Bayern Munich and Bayer Leverkusen, and Junior while with Parma are just some examples.
“Those contemporaries were our role models. At Sao Paulo, when I was a youth player, Serginho was on fire. That type of player was highly valued in Brazil, where everyone wanted to see the full-back get forward and create goals. You might not be doing your job in defence, yet no one criticised you for it. But that’s not how it is today,” the 27-year-old explained.
“Everything happened very fast for me. By 17 I’d already competed in the Copa Libertadores, and I was more interested in getting forward than defending. It was about being young and uninhibited. Back then I didn’t have the same sense of team spirit I do today.”
Santos cites coach Paulo Autuori, who he has worked under on various occasions, as having a decisive influence in gradually transforming his career: “I learned a lot and began maturing. Paulo helped me with that. He always advocated 4-4-2 and a back line of four to support the guys up front.
“He didn’t manage to establish it at Sao Paulo, perhaps because the team wasn’t used to it, but for me it’s the best system,” he continued. “You play with a defensive midfielder with a line of four behind him, and that makes it difficult for opponents to threaten you.”
Coming here turned out to be the best decision of my career.
Santos on his move to Corinthians
Best decision
It was this more consistent full-back that joined Corinthians in 2011, initially as cover for Roberto Carlos. “He was one of the reasons I decided to join the club, both to be able to share a dressing room with a player of his stature and because I knew I’d have opportunities when the squad was rotated over the course of the season,” Santos said.
What he could not have envisaged was that his chance would arrive so soon, with a crucial test coming in only his second match for O Timão. The game in question was a qualifier for the Copa Libertadores, in which Colombia’s Deportes Tolima famously dumped Corinthians out of the competition.
The reverse prompted the departure of Roberto Carlos from the club and coincided with Ronaldo’s retirement shortly afterwards. “I thought I might not play for them again,” said Santos. “But it turned out to be very significant moment for me. With Roberto now gone, I managed to get a run of games in the side, and so coming here turned out to be the best decision of my career.”
Wearing the famous black and white, the full-back went on to win the Brazilian national championship and then this year’s Copa Libertadores. If that were not impressive enough, he also got his first call-up to the Seleção senior squad in September – he had played U-20 level and won a bronze medal at the FIFA U-20 World Cup in 2005 – and is again in the squad for Wednesday’s friendly with Colombia in New Jersey.
Of course, winning the continent’s premier club competition will allow Santos to once again star on Japanese soil. The difference being that, when he heads there in December for the FIFA Club World Cup, this mature and battle-hardened player will not be just looking to pick up experience. This time the goal is nothing less than a world title with Corinthians.

Exposito: We will go to Japan with confidence

( Thursday 15 November 2012
Exposito: We will go to Japan with confidence
© Getty Images
Spanish striker Manel Exposito is back for his second tilt at the FIFA Club World Cup with Oceania champions Auckland City FC.
The forward was a key performer for Auckland when they lost 2-0 to Kashiwa Reysol in 2011, and the former Barcelona and Atletico Madrid player is focused on the tournament's 6 December opener in Yokohama.
"The club won two games at this tournament three years ago and that is always our aim," Exposito says. "But we must focus on the Japanese champions first. After that then we see. We're going there with confidence but it’s not going to be easy."
Auckland gave a good performance in the second half of last year's meeting with Reysol, when Exposito was one of a selection of Spanish players on show.
Team-mates Angel Berlanga and Albert Riera Vidal, plus new arrival Pedro Garcia, as well as coach Ramon Tribulietx, who brought Exposito Down Under, make up a quintet of Spaniards at the club.
We're going there with confidence but it’s not going to be easy.
Auckland City striker Manel Exposito
Spain’s involvement in the tournament this year is limited to individual players, such as Exposito and Chelsea’s Juan Mata and Fernando Torres, but the attacking midfielder is not entertaining thoughts of facing La Roja players in blue.
"Sometimes you dream about playing the likes of Chelsea or, in last year’s case, Barcelona," said the Spaniard.
"But to be honest, we need to be realistic and focus on the first match because we are underdogs even in that game and the J.League champions will be very tough. Winning that game is our only focus now."
The club from New Zealand's largest metropolis qualified for their fourth FIFA Club World Cup with a 3-1 aggregate victory over Tahiti's AS Tefana in the OFC O-League final last May.
The Spaniard says lessons have been learned from last year's experiences in Japan, but he insists the style City play remains intact. "We play possession football with a good tempo and attack at the right times. Defensively we are very solid," said Exposito, whose six goals proved enough to be crowned the OFC O-League's top goalscorer.
High quality competition
The forward was honest in his appraisal that European champions Chelsea are the favourites to lift the trophy on 16 December.
"Chelsea are the best team. The UEFA Champions League is the greatest continental club competition in the world and for that you have to say Chelsea," said the man known as Xino.
"It would be unbelievable to play Chelsea, who have Mata from Spain, but also Roberto Di Matteo, who is an amazing coach. It would be a dream to play them but this is a very difficult assignment - for us, everything depends on our game with the J.League winners."
Auckland’s top goalscorer was forthright with his opinion on which team is most likely to challenge Chelsea for the FIFA Club World Cup – Corinthians of Brazil.
Exposito said: "Corinthians are a typical Brazilian team, very technical with the ball and very good. They have won the Copa Libertadores for a good reason.
“Perhaps the biggest difference in their style to, say, Spanish football, is that the ball speed is maybe not as quick and the build-up play slower.
"The South Americans will be more skilful in one against one situations. You have to be very fit and press teams like Corinthians.”

MEN FUTSAL WORLD CUP THAILAND 2012: Brazilian futsal kings reign supreme

November 2012
Brazilian futsal kings reign supreme
© Getty Images
The final of the FIFA Futsal World Cup Thailand 2012 was everything a showcase match should be: loud, colourful, emotional and dramatic. It was a fitting end to the tournament, which took place in Bangkok and Nakhon Ratchasima from 1-18 November.

In Bangkok’s Huamark Indoor Stadium, Brazil became futsal world champions for a fifth time after defeating arch-rivals Spain 3-2 in extra time of a nail-biting final.

In a repeat of the 2008 title-decider, the South Americans once again came out on top after superb performances from both teams. Neto, who also won the adidas Golden Ball as the tournament’s best player, struck for A Seleção seconds before the end of extra time to seal the championship for his side.
Sorato: A dream final
“It was a dream final and it showed that in futsal you have to keep believing in yourself right until the end,” said Brazil coach Marcos Sorato after his team’s seventh win in as many games at the competition. Group stages victories over Japan, Portugal and Libya were followed up by a crushing defeat of Panama in the round of 16. A narrow quarter-final triumph over Argentina set-up the next continental encounter against Colombia in the last four, where another close game ended in Brazil’s favour.

Spain had a more difficult route to the final and could only draw with Asian heavyweights Iran in their opening fixture. Yet the Furia Roja improved with each match and enjoyed clear victories in the ensuing games against Panama, Morocco and Thailand. A quarter-final tie with Russia provided the perfect opportunity for the Iberians to demonstrate just who the European top dogs are.

A semi-final success against Italy paved the way for the showdown with Brazil, where the two-time world champions were forced to settle for second place for the third time, after finishing as runners-up in 1996 and 2008. Coach Venancio Lopez was understandably disappointed at the final whistle. “We could have won, but that’s just the way it is in sport. My players gave everything and I’m grateful for that,” he said.

Italy in third
Italy completed a familiar podium line-up after winning bronze thanks to victory over surprise package Colombia in the match for third place, meaning the Squadra Azzurra finished among the medals for a third successive time.

The Italians made their intentions clear right from the off with a dominant display to down Australia, before beating a strong Argentina side who had arrived in Thailand with their reputation bolstered after winning the South American qualifying tournament. Victory in the third group game against Mexico ensured Italy reached the knockout rounds as one of only three teams to have earned maximum points.

There they ousted Egypt before an extraordinary quarter-final comeback against Portugal, where Italy turned a 3-0 half time deficit into a 4-3 triumph after extra time. That set up a semi-final against bogey team Spain, who had beaten them both at the European Championships in February this year and at Brazil 2008. While it was not to be third time lucky for Italy, they were nonetheless celebrating at the end after securing third place ahead of Colombia, while Stefano Mammarella was chosen as best goalkeeper of the tournament.

Colombia cause an upset
In spite of that defeat, Los Cafeteros were without doubt the breakthrough team in Thailand. Nobody could have predicted that the debutants would reach the last four, yet with each game coach Arney Fonnegra’s charges seemed to get better and better. Their campaign began badly with a 5-2 reverse against Guatemala, but after their subsequent fixture against Solomon Islands, the South Americans changed tactics and focused primarily on keeping a tight defence.
In the last 16, Colombia eliminated ten-time AFC Futsal champions Iran, before putting Ukraine to the sword on the way to a semi-final fixture with Brazil. The newcomers put up a strong fight against the defending champions and ultimately finishing in fourth is an achievement they can be proud of.

Mixed bag for rookies
Not all of the other five debutants enjoyed such success. Both Morocco (in Group B with Spain, Iran and Panama) and Mexico (Group D with Italy, Argentina and Australia) found the competition too tough, while Kuwait also packed their bags for home after three games. Yet the Asian underdogs should not be too despondent, as even though their win over Egypt was not enough to progress to the next stage, beating the African powerhouse gives plenty of cause for optimism in the future.

By way of contrast, Panama and Serbia both hit the ground running in Thailand in their inaugural outings on the world stage. The Central Americans went through to the last 16 as one of the best third-placed teams, where they lost to Brazil, while the Europeans set the group stage alight with some astonishing displays.
Serbia came top of Group E, leaving more renowned teams like Czech Republic and Egypt trailing in their wake. However, coach Aca Kovacevic’s side were stopped short in the knockout phase, as their lack of big-game experience took its toll against Argentina.
Steady progress
Hosts Thailand were another team to cause excitement among the fans, drawing roars of approval from the home support with their refreshingly attacking style of play. Despite defeats to Ukraine and Paraguay, victory over Costa Rica took the Thais into the knockout stages, where their dreams were ended by a ruthless Spanish outfit.

Oceania champions Solomon Islands deserve plenty of recognition for their accomplishments. The islanders lost every game at Brazil 2008, but caused perhaps the biggest upset of the tournament by beating Guatemala in their final group match, simultaneously ending their opponents’ hopes of progression.
Australia likewise recorded a rare FIFA Futsal World Cup victory. The Futsalroos overcame newcomers Mexico to secure only their third win in their sixth tournament participation.

Disappointment in Asia
Prior to kick-off at Thailand 2012, Iran had set their sights considerably higher than the last 16. While the Asian giants began brightly with a draw against Spain, their subsequent narrow victories over Morocco and Panama did little to justify their tag as one of the title favourites. They failed to improve against Colombia and were homeward bound.
Asian champions Japan were also forced to take their leave earlier than planned after coming up short against Ukraine in the first knockout round. Russia were aiming for a spot on the podium and were left frustrated by their quarter-final defeat to Spain, while another top team, Portugal, were likewise sent packing in the last eight.

In four years, the world’s best 24 nations will meet again for the eighth edition of the FIFA Futsal World Cup. Six countries (France, Iran, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Spain and Czech Republic) have registered their interest in hosting the tournament and FIFA will make a final decision in March 2013.

Whether winners or losers this time around, come 2016 every side will be determined to give their fans something to cheer about as they pursue their FIFA Futsal World Cup dreams. And one thing is already guaranteed: will be on hand every step of the way.
Final table:
1. Brazil (Gold)
2. Spain (Silber)
3. Italy (Bronze)
4. Colombia
Personal honours
adidas Golden Ball – Neto (BRA)
adidas Silver Ball – Kike (ESP)
adidas Bronze Ball – Ricardinho (POR)
adidas Golden Shoe – Eder Lima (RUS)
adidas Silver Shoe – Rodolfo Fortino (ITA)
adidas Bronze Shoe – Fernandinho (BRA)
adidas Golden Glove – Stefano Mammarella (ITA)
Fairplay Award: Argentina
Stadiums and Cities
Indoor Stadium Huamark, Nimibutr Stadium (both Bangkok), Korat Chatchai (Nakhon Ratchasima)
Goals overall: 349 (average/match: 6.71)
Fans overall: 160,932
Average fans/match: 3,094