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Monday, October 31, 2016

Introductory Futsal Clinic by Saskatoon Futsal League (SFL) with the support of CSA's member Saskatchewan Soccer Association

Saskatoon Futsal League (SFL) would like to invite you to attend an “Introductory Futsal Clinic” that the organization is putting on for members participating within our league.
The main objective of this course is to help you raise the level of Futsal specific knowledge in terms of both technical session’s and tactical understanding. We have kept the cost as low as possible as we want this to be an opportunity that you don’t pass up to learn more about the game of Futsal.
The cost will be $30.00 per participant and we will be having 1 hour of Class-Room discussion followed by 2 hours of On-Field training.  The date that we have booked this for is Friday October 28th, from 5:30 (University of Saskatchewan) and 6:45pm to 8:45 pm (Family Focus Soccer Centre).

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