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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Kick-off of the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ Official mascot creation campaign

February 2015: News from Nizhny Novgorod

24 April 2015 18:47 CET

Press conference on the Kick-off of the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ Official mascot creation campaign will be held on April 29, 2015 in Moscow.
The 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ Local Organising Committee («Russia 2018 LOC») is pleased to invite media representatives to press conference with participation of:
  • Vitaly Mutko, Chairman of the Russia 2018 LOC, Russia Sport Minister
  • Alexey Sorokin, the Russia 2018 LOC CEO
Date:   April 29, 2015 Wednesday

Time:  11:00 
(local time)
Place: Russia Today International multimedia press centre, “Bolshoy” room
            (4 Zubovsky boulevard, Moscow)
Media representatives interested in attending should contact the Russia 2018 LOC
Press Office not later than 16:00, April 28, 2015.
Phone:             +7-495-785-2018
For all the latest information on the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™, please visit the official website:

Beach Soccer World Cup countdown underway in Espinho , it will take place from 9-19 July

The Official Emblem, ambassadors, Official Match Ball and Official Poster for the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup Portugal 2015 were unveiled in the host city of Espinho on Thursday, marking the start of the countdown to the big event, which will take place from 9-19 July.
Espinho's Multimedia Centre played host to some of the stars of beach soccer past and present, who had the first view of the tournament's Official Emblem, which takes its inspiration from the close ties between the coastal city and the sea, and from the colours of the Portuguese flag: red, symbolising the fight for freedom, and green for hope.
Portuguese Football Association (FPF) President Fernando Gomes had the honour of presenting former football star Vitor Baia and Nuno Gomes as the ambassadors of the second FIFA tournament to be organised in Portugal, after the FIFA U-20 World Cup in 1991.
"Hosting the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup is a big honour for our country and it was the right choice for historical, environmental and sporting reasons," Gomes said. "Portugal's identity was established by the sea, by the beach, and we will offer joy, hospitality and a smile to every fan that comes to the event."
Russia coach Mikhail Likhachev and Swiss beach soccer star Noel Ott were also on hand to test out the tournment's Official Match Ball from adidas. Judging by the show they put on, the fans can expect plenty of thrills when the tournament kicks off in a little under four months' time.
"I'm very happy to be in Portugal and, of course, to have won two FIFA Beach Soccer World Cups in a row," Likhachev said. "Now, the Russian supporters wait for a third consecutive title, but ten or 12 teams have a good chance to win. I am happy to be one of the contenders. It's fantastic; Espinho is a very nice city. I spent two days here and I really enjoyed it a lot."
Ott also shared his thoughts about the Official Match Ball. ""The ball is quite similar as last year," the Swiss player said. "Two or three weeks of practice and it feels really good. I want to score some goals in Espinho, but the most important thing is that the team wins each game."
Joán Cuscó, FIFA Beach Soccer Committee member then explained the many good reasons why Espinho and Portugal provide the perfect venue for the competition.
"On behalf of FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter, I welcome you to Espinho," Cuscó commented. "This is, probably, the most important year ever for Beach Soccer, as we have the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup, the European Games and another 35 tournaments all over the world. It was a matter of justice to host a World Cup in Portugal and Espinho was the right choice."
Attracting one of the biggest ovations of the whole ceremony was Portugal captain and two-time FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup adidas Golden Ball winner Madjer, who took to the stage to present the official tournament poster and spoke of the host nation's desire to lift the world title in July.
"I want to congratulate FPF and FIFA for choosing Espinho to host the World Cup," said the Portuguese skipper. "We can promise unity and strength to fight for the World Cup trophy".
There is more to a FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup than big stars, however, a point that was proved with the presentation of the volunteers programme, a key factor in the success of any FIFA competition, and the launch of ticket sales for the tournament, helping to further whet the appetite for what promises to be a very special event on the sands of Espinho.
Espinho's mayor, Pinto Moreira, also expressed excitement ahead of July's beach soccer extravaganza: "We will host a great event, a landmark not only for Espinho but for all of the country. This will be an event from Espinho to the world and we can promise the best FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup of all time."
Categories:FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup Portugal 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Colo Colo es eliminado y Chile se despide de la Copa Libertadores 2015

Los albos cayeron 2-0 en su visita a la casa del Atlético Mineiro. El equipo necesitaba perder por un gol para clasificar.

por Alvaro Poblete - 22/04/2015 - 21:43
Final. Despedida. La ilusión se acabó en Brasil. Colo Colo cayó por 2-0 en su visita al Atlético Mineiro y le dijo adiós la versión 2015 de la Copa Libertadores. Un resultado doloroso, pues echó por tierra el desafío que el mismo Héctor Tapia se planteó durante el verano: terminar entre los cuatro mejores de la competencia. A la luz de los resultados, una utopía.
Tan copiosa como el agua que caía en Belo Horizonte, la ofensiva del conjunto local encerró al Cacique en su propio campo. No hubo tiempo para blofear, ambos elencos pusieron de inmediato sus cartas sobre la mesa.
El Mineiro, buscando con todo los dos goles de diferencia que necesitaba para asegurar su clasificación a octavos de final. Y Colo Colo, un poco por sus importantes bajas y otro poco por una disposición de la banca, aguantando. La línea de tres que venía utilizando Héctor Tapia en los últimos partidos, ayer se transformó en una línea de cinco. Gonzalo Fierro (por la derecha) y Luis Pavez, estaban mucho más preocupados de no dar espacios en su zona.
Arriba, en tanto, la apuesta del técnico nacional era muy tacaña. Con Emiliano Vecchio (a media máquina), deambulando en mitad de cancha y con Esteban Paredes solitario en ataque. Se dio la lógica, por ende. Colo Colo esperando en su terreno y los brasileños presionando a placer.
Esta propuesta, si es que funciona, depende mucho de la solidez defensiva de un equipo. Cualidad que justamente le faltó a los albos en sus dos últimas presentaciones, en la que recibió seis goles en dos partidos. Lo que pasó a los 19’, por ende, no sorprendió a nadie. Una pelota profunda, que Julio Barroso cruzó con exceso de confianza (se le pasó por debajo de las piernas) le quedó servida a Lucas Pratto, quien marcó el 1-0. El argentino había amenazado con anotar, y cumplió.
El tanto, obviamente, alimento la esperanza del dueño de casa. El dominio creció y Colo Colo, sin un conductor y con su goleador náufrago, la sacó barata, pues se fue al descanso con un gol en contra, en la frontera entre la vida y la muerte en la Copa.
El técnico del cuadro popular se dio cuenta de que los cambios penaban. Por eso lanzó al terreno de juego a Felipe Flores en lugar de Luis Pavez. Y delantero, en una posición que no acostumbra (carrilero izquierdo) le dio un aire distinto a su oncena. Colo Colo creció y pasó de estar encajonado a manejar el resultado con el balón en su poder.
El partido se emparejó. La confianza creció, especialmente con el penal que desperdició Guilherme a los 67’. El portero se repuso de una falta muy tonta, con una atajada notable. Obviamente, la desesperación empezó a tomar el control del Atlétic, lo que benefició el trabajo de los nacionales.
Todo lo arregló Rafael, sin embargo, a los 80’. El volante tomó la pelota a 30 metros del arco y la clavó en el ángulo de Garcés. Y eso fue todo. Tarea cumplida por los brasileños, ante un rival sin armas para cambiar la historia.
Se acabó el sueño de Colo Colo en la Copa Libertadores y, con él, el del fútbol chileno en el torneo continental. Los albos no conocen los octavos de final desde 2007 y, aunque estuvieron muy cerca, la maldición no se extingue.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Too Many Dietary Supplements May Increase Cancer RiskB

A large-scale study has shown that over-supplementation could be very bad for our health. (Photo: Corbis) 

Could it be possible that too many vitamins and minerals can bring about various forms of cancer? Yes, according to a large-scale study delivered during the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2015.

The research presented at this conference dates back 20 years, when scientists discovered that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables was shown to keep cancer at bay. Then study experts shifted their focus to over-the-counter supplements, assuming that consuming extra vitamins and minerals would also produce anti-cancer benefits.

First came the testing on animals and the results were encouraging. Scientists then studied thousands of patients—over 300,000—who were given either dietary supplements or a placebo over a 10-year period.

And their findings were alarming.

“We show that not only is supplementing your diet with vitamins that are found in a healthy diet unlikely to decrease your risk of developing cancer, but in some cases, taking more than the recommended daily allowance of these supplements can increase cancer risk,” lead investigator Tim Byers, MD, MPH from the University of Colorado Cancer Center tells Yahoo Health.  “More specifically, taking more than the recommended daily allowance of folic acid, Vitamin E and beta-carotene were all shown to increase cancer risk.”

One trial showed that taking more than the required amounts of beta-carotene— which is known for its ability to improve immunity and enhance vision — in supplement form increased the risk for developing both lung cancer and heart disease by 20 percent. Men who took an excess of vitamin E were at a higher risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer. And while folic acid — a B vitamin— was considered a possible remedy for reducing the number of polyps in the colon, it increased the number in another trial.

“There really is no strong hypothesis explaining why these dietary supplements increase cancer risk,” states Byers. “It may have to do with the body’s overall nutrient balance, in this case ‘imbalance.’ Or it may have to do with specific effects of over-consumption of specific supplements.”

So should we avoid the vitamin aisle altogether? “Unfortunately, few Americans eat a well-balanced diet and hope to make up for this by taking dietary supplements,” says Byers. “My recommendation is to get your nutrients from a healthy diet. If you take vitamins or other dietary supplements, choose products that stay within the recommended daily allowance.”